The medical researchers and Canadian Health&Care Mall have started paying more attention to somatoform disorders, which are the physical diseases originating from psychological causes like depression. It must not come as a shock that a sexual disorder too might have psychological reasons behind it. So what are some of the common symptoms of depression that may help you recognize it?
- Sleep disturbances
- Losing interest in most things (Apathy)
- Change in appetite
- Drug or alcohol addiction
- Suicidal thoughts
- Fatigue
Any victim of depression knows how drowsy and reluctant it can make you. It isn’t something which you can just pull yourself off from. Without treatment, depression can last for indefinite period of time. To get back on track, appropriate treatment is imperative.
Can depression be diagnosed?
People usually wonder if the correct diagnosis of a mental issue feasible? Not with complete accuracy, however, if the pattern is recognized a medical practitioner will have no trouble in diagnosing it correctly. Be honest while answering questions to your doctor, even though he might have a long list of questions for you but those are meant for your own well-being. Depression should not be interpreted as some kind of personal weakness, don’t suffer from it as it can manifest as a physical illness in time that may indeed be a sexual illness.
What else awaits you in a depression therapy session?
Talk therapy is often used to help you come out of your depression. A licensed expert or mental care professional talks to you and helps you identify the real cause of depression.
When to use Viagra?
Viagra has become synonymous with ED treatment nowadays. On detecting this problem, and not benefiting from the natural treatments like quitting smoking and working on psychological issues, the best advice is to turn to drug treatment which helps restore blood flow to the penis. Taking Viagra every night is much more effective then consuming it only when you feel like it. Only by regular intake can help you attain normal erections.
Canadian Health&Care Mall further explains that, Viagra works on the endothelial cells, these cells line the walls of the blood vessels. The erection occurs only when the blood vessels in the penis are dilated and the blood fills it.
In an experiment done over 76 men, the first group was asked to take Viagra every day before sleeping, the second group was given Viagra only before sexual intercourse and the third group received no treatment at all. In course of a few months it was observed that the blood flow in the first group, who were taking Viagra improved significantly. They began to experience fully cured erection. The second group showed only a small development in the blood flow to penis, and the condition of the third group worsened.
It may come as a surprise, but erections are actually good for mental health, and they are good for the penis as well. Canadian Health&Care Mall supports that medication for erection can in fact improve the overall health of a man.