In 90% of cases, a man with erectile dysfunction can restore a full erection. The main thing in time to visit a doctor and start treatment. Treatment of this pathology can be conservative and surgical.
Conservative treatment of erectile dysfunction
- Changing the way of life. If a man has bad habits, obesity or hypodynamia, a doctor will necessarily advise a man to lead a healthy lifestyle. Often this is a key condition for restoring normal potency. You should give up smoking, excessive consumption of alcohol and harmful food. Obligatory exercise that will help to eliminate stagnant phenomena in the organs of the small pelvis and improve the blood supply to the penis;
- PDE5 inhibitors. Conservative treatment of erectile dysfunction involves the use of certain drugs. Drugs for the treatment of erectile dysfunction are selected only by the attending physician on the basis of the received diagnostic data. Contraindication to the use of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors is the use of nitrogen donors or nitrates (for example, nitrosorbite, nitroglycerin and other nitrate preparations). You can buy the most effective generic drugs for erectile dysfunction in Canadian Health and Care Mall at a low price: Viagra, Cialis, Levitra. Also, pay attention to innovative medications for erection. You can read what is Viagra Professional on the website of the online pharmacy;
- Hormonal therapy. If erectile dysfunction is caused by hormonal disorders, PDE5 inhibitors will not help. Hormone replacement therapy will help restore normal hormonal background. Currently, there are quite convenient forms of testosterone, for example, in the form of gel, with which you can regulate the level of male sex hormones in the blood. Such drugs are prescribed only by the doctor, who determines the dosage for each patient individually;
- Vacuum therapy. This is a non-medicamentous form of therapy for erectile dysfunction, which increases the flow of blood to the penis. The penis is placed in a simple vacuum pump. This method stimulates the filling of the penis with blood;
- Psychotherapy. Often the cause of erectile dysfunction in psychological, and in this case, the help of a competent psychotherapist is needed. Often such treatment is provided by the therapist. These sessions discuss any issues related to sexual life, as well as emotional experiences that can cause erectile dysfunction. At the first stage the doctor collects information and studies possible emotional causes of impotence. The doctor helps the patient deal with the problem. In addition, the therapist gives practical recommendations concerning the couple’s intimate life directly. In particular, he advises some stimulation techniques before intercourse to improve the quality of erection;
- Behavioral therapy. Another type of psychotherapy is behavioral therapy, which gives a good therapeutic effect for psychogenic erectile dysfunction. misconceptions and harmful thoughts can affect a man’s self-esteem, his sexuality and relationships not only with the sexual partner, but also friends and relatives. Behavioral therapy is aimed at eliminating bad thoughts. The psychotherapist develops a correct (realistic) picture of sexual relations;
- Surgical treatment. In case of serious violations of the blood supply to the penis, Canadian Pharmacy medications will not help. Doctors recommend surgical treatment in this case. Usually, surgical intervention is used when no other methods of ED treatment have a positive impact. With venous or arterial insufficiency, surgical treatment allows to restore the full blood supply of the penis, which allows to achieve a normal erection. With congenital serious abnormalities of the penis, a man need an implantation of the penis prosthesis.
Best foods for men’s health
Nutrition is important for men’s health. Unfortunately, many men do not pay enough attention to nutrition and eat fast food and other unhealthy food, and the quality of products has deteriorated significantly.
Erection is largely dependent on the necessary vitamins and minerals, which are involved in the production of male sex hormones. To improve erection, Canadian Health and Care Mall recommends that patients enrich their diet with the following types of products:
- Seafood. Sea fish, such as mackerel, herring, saury, anchovies, will be very useful for men’s health. You should also eat shrimps, crabs, mussels and other seafood. Seafood contains a large number of minerals, such as zinc and selenium, which are necessary for the production of testosterone. In addition, fat fish contains many polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, which play a big role in maintaining the health of the cardiovascular system;
- Porridge. A man should eat porridge everyday: oatmeal, millet, buckwheat, pearl. The cereals contain many minerals and vitamins that improve metabolism. Grains improve digestion and prevent cardiovascular diseases;
- Celery. No doubt, celery can be considered he most “men’s” plant. It contains vitamins of group B, vitamin C, A, E, PP, vitamin K, and also zinc, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus and magnesium. In addition, celery contains an analog of the male sex hormone – androsterone, which enhances a sexual desire and improves erection. The most useful product is the root of celery;
- Oysters. This delicacy is a strong aphrodisiac. Oysters contain a large amount of zinc. This mineral is very useful for the prostate gland, and also increases a sexual desire;
- Meat. Meat contains a large amount of protein, which is necessary for the growth of muscle mass. Meat dishes should be included in the diet, especially if the man is engaged in sports.
Useful activities for better erection
Canadian Pharmacy Mall recommends paying attention to several activities that improve erection:
- Physical exercises. Doctors recommend walking for about 3 kilometers a day. This will promote normal blood circulation in the pelvic area;
- Morning sex. At this time, the body has a huge amount of hormones that restore potency;
- Walking barefoot – the foot contains a large concentration of nerve endings, which are responsible for sexual arousal. Walking barefoot stimulates these nerve endings;
- Foot massage can also help improve potency;
- Contrast shower. It is necessary to spill hot and cold water in the pelvic area. This exercise helps increase blood circulation in the genitals and achieve a stable erection;
- Regular sex. This is the most useful exercise to restore and strengthen erection. Frequent sexual intercourse intensifies reflex abilities.