7 Myths about Pneumonia
The course of pneumonia is various and its cases are treated individually because the pneumonia agents may be different as well. Pneumonia agents are:
- pneumococcus;
- streptococcus;
- staphylococcus;
- A and B influenza viruses;
- adenoviruses;
- micoplasma;
- chlamydia;
- mycotic infection.
Myths about Pneumonia and their Revealing
There are various myths concerning pneumonia. Let’s grapple with them all to find out what reality is.
Myth#1: Pneumonia Is a Rare Disease.
The reality is that pneumonia is very widespread diseases. More and more people become victims of this disorder. Nowadays pneumonia happens to appear because of their professional activity (miners, medical workers). Very often there are epidemic of pneumonia which may break out in-patient facilities. Such facilities are usually overcrowded with debilitated patients. They infect each other with hospital acquired disease.
Myth#2: Children Usually Suffer from Pneumonia.
In the majority of cases children are at risk zone to be infected with pneumonia agents considerably more in comparison with adults. But old people over 65 years old as well as children are damaged with pneumonia agents.
Myth#3: To State the Diagnosis “Pneumonia” It Is Necessary to Have Blood and Sputum Tests.
These analyses are very important but it is also necessary to conduct X-ray examination. This procedure helps the doctor to see the severity of disorder with more details. The doctors usually prescribe antibiotics to treat pneumonia such as:
- Canadian Generic Zithromax;
- Canadian generic Amoxicillin.
Myth#4: The disorder’s severity is determined by the the type of the agent.
It plays important role but there are other causes which are considered to be precipitating, for example:
- diabetes;
- smoking;
- people with oncological disorders;
- people bearing organs transplantation.
Elderly people with previous blood-stroke have more mortality cases.
Myth#5: Pneumonia May Be Treated with Antibiotics for Three Days.
This period of time should be increase for ten times even because we may speak about the first health improvements after one month. You cannot overcome this disorder just taking antibiotics for three days. You may do harm for yourself. It is necessary to consult the doctor to define the exact reason of pneumonia appearance. Together with the doctor you will work out the treatment plan.
Myth#6: There Are no Preventive Measures Directed to Arrest Pneumonia.
The main preventive measure is vaccinization. This procedure is directed first of all to protect people being at risk zone. Consult your doctor about how this vaccinization should be carried out.
Myth#7: Smokers Are the First to Be Damaged by Pneumonia.
This is true but there are some additional facts. Passive smokers may as well be infected who are located at one and the same place with smokers because they inhale smoke particles.
These are the main myths about pneumonia. As we may come to a conclusion that sometimes people are mistaken thinking about this disorder. It is necessary to address the doctor if there are some symptoms.
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